如何在现实世界的土壤上播种出更美丽灿烂的虚拟之花?火爆过后回归现实,元宇宙如何从产业技术到模式落地?今年世界人工智能大会期间,“引领未来,赋能焕新”2023浦东论坛将于7月7日在张江科学会堂正式举办。论坛邀请国内外政府、高校专家与行业代表,通过主旨演讲、大咖对话等形式,与现场500+元宇宙产业精英及相关产业代表,解读2023年元宇宙赛道的变化及趋势、探索元宇宙产业生态、支撑技术、终端应用、模式创新等前沿,助力元宇宙企业加速场景化、规模化落地,为政府、企业、创投以及产业相关者提供建设性的成果参考。 嘉宾介绍 Nikk是一位在中国生活了15年的企业家、开发者和电影制片人。过去的十年里,他专注于推动虚拟现实(VR)行业的发展。 Nikk is an entrepreneur, developer, and filmmaker who has lived in China for 15 years. Over the last ten years, he has focused his career on creating experiences in the Virtual Reality (VR) industry. Nikk has built a name for himself in VR through the launch of the first VR community website in China (purchased by Facebook in 2014) and VR content creation for a diverse group of clients including ByteDance, General Electric, Xiaomi, Huawei, China Mobile, China State Grid, Sony, Tencent, and many more. Nikk leverages his native-level fluency in Mandarin, his extensive VR industry contacts, and his industry experience to facilitate the creation, promotion, and distribution of high-quality content. Now as CEO of FXG, he is leading the development of VR film technology, overseeing the release of the FM DUO 12K VR Camera, and the creation of a world-class live streaming ecosystem with Pico. 扫描上方二维码,填写相关信息,即可报名参加。 更多精彩内容,敬请关注世界人工智能大会“引领未来,赋能焕新”2023浦东论坛! 目前论坛正在招募友好合作机构,如果您对此有兴趣或有相关需求,欢迎通过以下方式与我们取得联系!
作为西顾的首席执行官,他目前主导VR电影技术的发 展,负责监督FM·DUO12KVR相机的发布,并且带领 团队完成了这个星球上第一次8K 3D VR的演出直播。